Friday, May 18, 2012

planning a party

I am loving planning Kinley's first birthday. I have never been fond of creating ideas or copying ideas because I am not very confident. But slowly with each craft I imitate...I gain more and more confidence! We are going to have a pink lemonade party :) now to start buying, baking, craftin, and paintin!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

spring changes

changes are needed...

the hubbin is now working a day shift 6:45am-4:45pm. i am really not sure it has sunk in yet. he wasn't supposed to until june. i am ready to meal plan and cook his favorite meals. today i had all his clothes washed and a surprise wrapped waiting on the table for him. dinner soon followed. he was happy. he took us out for dessert. :)

i have gotten pretty lazy lately. we don't really have any structure to our days. so that is about to change. i need to do more activities/crafts with john tyler. gotta get back to planning out my days. need to plan out my workouts. only been doing 2 a week w friends BUT i need more. i crave more. i hope kinley likes it when i bring her back. i stopped bringing her since all she did was cry but she has been sick for a while too.

  speaking of kinley...she has been a fussy thing. i'm sure she doesn't feel great because she has had thick drainage for 2.5 weeks straight. never seen anything like it. she is very clingy and MOODY! but she's also been cuddlin--which i happen to enjoy. she won't let me go to the restroom or take john tyler without having a screaming fit. john tyler was nothing like this. i'm assuming its separation anxiety or heck maybe its her teeth or her ears. she is having buttons put in on the 24th. i am praying this does wonders. its very hard asking someone to keep her right now because she is very irritable so its been somewhat of a trying time. i am also praying this isn't because 'she is a girl'. a lot of people tell me this...haha!

john tyler has been a lot of fun. he's very good at talking. sometimes he talks too much :) i enjoy hanging out with him and doing things he likes. i know time flies by and i wish i could just freeze it. i do not like this 'growing up' stuff.

dreaming of a summer family vacation to dallas/ft worth area...go to dallas zoo, rangers game, maybe let the littles meet my mom for the first time.