Monday, May 24, 2010

summer to-dos

this summer i shall...

plant some flowers
picnic with my 2 boys
take sweet boy swimming
read a good book
have a girls night
enlist in a sunday school class
journal more
learn photoshop
take wacky photos of my girls
give more of myself
wear dresses more often
sell stuff off craigslist
learn ebay
sign on with scentsy candles

i'm pretty sure i can handle all these but i will keep you posted. ha.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


tomorrow will be day 10...

a friend gave me an Amish Friendship Bread starter last week and my starter is on day 9. so tomorrow i'm running to the store to get the ingredients i need. she hasn't emailed me her recipe yet so i'm not sure what all it entails. i do know that it makes more and i dilly out some into gallon zip locs and share with friends. they keep theirs for 10 days, then they make some..and so forth! so excited about doing it! and sharing it! i'm on weight watchers though and i'm pretty sure its a high in fat sweet bread! i will let you know how it goes tomorrow and i'll post a link that explains it a little more!

we aren't supposed to know how the Amish made the starter...but apparantly someone has figured it out for it is posted all over the internet! several different ways to be exact....

and where it says starter is actually done in a gallon size zip every day i grab it, kneed forth. that stirs it..and i have to let the air bubbles out that accumulate.

we shall see how this turns exciting! i hope its fabulous! and i hope tyler will at least try it!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Thumb sucking

John Tyler,
Today you were the best little baby. You played and played. I love you! I love how I know when you get ready for a nap because when we are playing you will lay your head down and start sucking your thumb so I know right then to pick you up, give you some kisses and take you to your room and lay you on your belly and you will be out within 2 minutes. You go down to sleep like that every time I put you to bed. Mommy was kind of sad when she realized you didn't want to be rocked or anything. You just wanted your bed and...well...YOUR THUMB! Oh, how stinkin cute it is too!! I be lovin you suckin that thumb. I know I'm not supposed to and everyone feels the need to tell me that "you can't take away the thumb, but you can the passy". I have no idea why people tell your mommy this because you are going on 5 months and there is no way I can tell you to stop sucking your thumb. But if I could, I still probably wouldn't. It melts my heart when you go to town on it. It melts my heart when you put it in your mouth then you lay your head down on my shoulder...awww!
We had company over tonight...Lauren and Alyssa and you just love lil people. You smiled and giggled and you loved the attention. You never got fussy. I swear everyday that I have an angel baby. Your daddy and me had a wonderful heart-to-heart talk last night about the Lord. It was midnight because he had just gotten off work and we talked for 2 hours. The Lord is working in the two of us and we shared some neat things. We are ready as a family to LIVE LIKE GOD IS REAL!! We don't want to live mediocre lives anymore. And now that we have you, we only have one shot to get it right and lead you in the way of the Lord. I want you to fall completely in love with the Lord and always follow Him and obey Him. I pray everyday that our love for Christ will shine and you will always see how important Christ is to our family. I love you sweet pea! Night!

Monday, May 10, 2010


i could never ever describe what this boy means to me. what he does to me. where he takes me. how he loves me. how much closer and more real god has become to me. i'm blessed. i probably wash him with tears of joy once a day. i'm still in awe. sometimes i feel like i love him too much. is that possible. goh, it hurts.

john tyler,
your mommy and daddy love you. your daddy got up with you this morning and let me sleep in so that was nice. but i couldn't quite sleep bc all i heard was giggles and you talking. you were so happy to be hanging out with daddy. i love how your daddy loves you. i love him even more for it. he takes my breath away.
your momma

Sunday, May 9, 2010

my first mother's day

well to sum it up..i had a pretty good 1st mother's day. i woke up to beautiful sounds on the baby monitor. coming from my sweet 5 month old son. he woke at around 6am and i didn't go to his room to get him til about 8. so i'm guessing he went back to sleep, but i swear it was if he talked straight for 2 hours. teehee.

i got a little blue today. i have a mother yes. but i do not speak with her. last i spoke to her was at my wedding in 3/2008. wait..i didn't even talk to her then. she sat on the back pew dressed in a huge fluffy brown dress. one that you would wear if you were in a western movie. and i think i was told she wore long white gloves. we had a few words 2 days before i got married and so i guess she still 'had her feelings hurt' from that. so we went to eat with tyler's fam. which i love. but my fam was supposed to come. my dad screwed that one up. long story. but to say the least. he hasn't called to tell me happy mother's day. tear. i guess i'm not 'his momma' though. and well while eating out with tyler's fam. i got a little upset over something his mom did. john tyler was sleepy and ready to go so he could lay down. i told tyler we needed to hurry and eat so we could get home to put him to bed. because he by this time hadn't had his morning nap due to church. so he was real tired. we went to cracker barrel and that took forever. you can only imagine. anyway, she heard me say that to tyler and got her feelings hurt big time. and said i was going to make her cry bc we were going to have to leave and i asked her...why? at the time i thought she was kidding. here we are in the middle of cracker barrel with our 5month old and he is having a fit all bc he wants his bed and my mil is telling me that she was going to cry if we left so then she proceeds to tell me that he would be ok and that we shouldn't leave. i looked at her and told her i wasn't going to sit there and just listen to my son get so upset if i could help it. anyway. sorry i'm ramblin. but this really bothered me. here i am on mother's day. not exactly what i wanted to be doing on my mothers day. considering i had no family there with ME. and my mil is telling me she's going to was a pretty quiet lunch after all that. there's a lil more to the story but i won't bore you. i guess she just thought that lunch was all about her so that also offended me.

tyler gave me two cds- darius rucker and lady antebellum...very excited. also gave me money to go get my hair done in a couple weeks. since i'm staying at home now i don't think i'll be able to go and do that very often. so that'll be nice.

also since my mom has been in and out of my life for years, god blessed me with tons of 'like a moms'! and the one dearest to my heart-mrs. rhonda (who i will be celebrating next Mother's day with) has been recording john tyler since he has entered the world. so she had a dvd of 4 months worth of john tyler. it was super funny too bc she films me after i had just had john tyler and all i wanted was chick-fil-a sweet tea...and no one had any at that moment. they were on their way. but that wasn't good enough. you can tell i wasn't happy. i had just given birth. and i had no sweet tea ready for me :( if anyone knew me while i was pregnant with john tyler that is what i craved non-stop. i think i drank my weight in sweet tea each week!

john tyler is my perfect little angel. i love him with all of my heart.

one thing i know for sure is someone's not going to tell me what or how to raise my lil one. i'm sure there will be more probs later on. and i know quite a few parents deal with that. like you get on to your child for something and your parents say...don't get on to him for that or don't spank him.

happy mother's day to all of you mothers. all my friends that are new mothers. way to go. i am inspired by each and every one of you. may god bless you and your family and keep you close to his heart.

john tyler,
you sweet momma loves you so very much. you really are the best lil one ever. you love reaching for things and putting everything in your mouth. you also love your voice. you have found it and you love to use it. the guy that kept you in the nursery today, mr. chris, said he nicknamed you beechnut. i, of course, didn't know what that was so he told me it was because your cheeks were so chubby and it looked like you had a wad in your mouth and you kept spittin. i don't know whether to laugh at that or be offended. mommy's nickname for you is 'booger bear' most of the time. or any other sweet names i come out with at the time. i love the way you suck your thumb and rub the back of your head. it melts my heart. you have my heart john tyler. and i pray for you every day. and i pray that i would teach you in the way you should go and that you would follow jesus. know him and make him known.
i love you,

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Internet issues

Sorry guys...
that blog is -

Friday, May 7, 2010


hi all! please help me with this blogging. i want a pretty layout and just am not too familiar with this.

i'd like to begin by saying how the Lord is working in my life. he is speaking to me. i want to change. i'm tired of being comfortable. i love the lord and i want to live like he is real. tired of living in a state of complacency. the lord spoke too me last night in more ways than one. i was put here to serve others. i don't do that enough. why not? there is no excuse. i want to set an example for my family.
i read a blog last night that touched my heart so deeply. i'd like to share it with you and maybe it will do the same for you. WARNING: do not read if you are not ready, and i'd read it alone and grab some tissue.